


use of stl vector class on DSP side of OMAP-L138

Added by Rich Bagdazian almost 13 years ago

Has anyone used the standard template library vector class on the DSP side of the OMAP-L138?

I have a large memory intensive algorithm that is being adapted from a corresponding MATLAB
program and up til now have been using STL vector with success, albeit the expected performance
hit. At the moment speed is not as important as algorithmic correctness.

I have just discovered that at a certain point in my algorithm during the instantiation of
a vector object the memory that is occupied by the vector object conflicts (lies on top of) of a previously
allocated vector object. The heap does not appear to be exhausted as I have set aside approx 12 Mbyte for the
heap in the DSP-BIOS configuration and the returned address for the object appears to indicate that only about 1Mbyte has been utilized
at the time of the strange behavior.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this in use of the vector class.


Replies (4)

RE: use of stl vector class on DSP side of OMAP-L138 - Added by Michael Williamson almost 13 years ago

Hi Richard,

What version of the code gen tools are you using? If it's an older chain, TI may have already found/fixed it. You might cross post this on TI's E2E Site as well.

We have used the std::vector class here for 67XX cores as well as 674X cores and not experienced what you are describing, but in most cases the vectors are much smaller in size, so that may not mean there isn't a problem. We typically use the 6.1.XX chain here, though we'd like to move over to the 7.X chain... Are you vectoring intrinsic types or references to custom classes?


RE: use of stl vector class on DSP side of OMAP-L138 - Added by Rich Bagdazian almost 13 years ago

Hi Mike,
At the moment I'm using the 6.1.9 toolchain hosted on the PC side through CC v3.3

I'm primarily vectoring intrinsic types but there are a few places where I'm
vectoring something like:

vector< complex<float> >Foo(SomeSize);


RE: use of stl vector class on DSP side of OMAP-L138 - Added by Michael Williamson almost 13 years ago

6.1.9 is really old, Rich. Last time I checked, we are using at least 6.1.19 here. You might consider checking the release notes on the newer builds and see if any STL stuff is mentioned. I believe STL was "new" feature in 6.1.


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