


Software development process

Added by Otmar Schlunk over 14 years ago

I'm a software programmer who is kind of new to this whole embedded thing and I'm kind of lost in what the process I should be using is.

I've got Virtual Toolbox up and running and I think I can run the terminal app and run
and then
unset CPATH
and then use arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc to compile my app.

I can sort of get eclipse to act as an ide to do this -- though I'm not sure if that's something I should be doing or not.

But at that point, I don't know what I'm supposed to call to put the executable onto the device and how I'm supposed to debug it once it's there.

I'm also not sure entirely what libraries are available to me to interact with the device itself -- e.g. is there a default library I should be using to draw graphics onto the device -- or is something like openGL part of the OS....

Replies (2)

RE: Software development process - Added by Michael Williamson over 14 years ago

To put the executable on the MityDSP-L138:

  • Connect an ethernet cable to the MityDSP-L138 / Industrial IO board. The ethernet cable should be connected to a network visible to your host build machine, and there should be a DHCP server running on your network.
  • Boot the MityDSP-L138 up into linux.
  • From the serial port, get the IP address assigned to the MityDSP-L138. This can be accomplished by running "ifconfig -a".
  • From your host, use the "scp" program to copy your compiled executable onto the target:
mityomapl138@vm # scp ExampleProgram root@

Where the address above is replaced with the one assigned by your local DHCP server.

  • Launch the application. From either a serial port, or from a remote shell (e.g., "ssh "):

root@mityomap # cd /tmp
root@mityomap # ./ExampleProgram

There is a wiki page in progress for remote debugging using eclipse and gdbserver.

As far as graphics libraries are concerned, I would recommend using the qt4-embedded package. You can install the libraries using "opkg" (target) and "opkg-target" (linux host / VM) in order to start developing. See this wiki entry about how to install software libraries and packages for development. Qt-Embedded is documented at the Nokia Qt Site.


RE: Software development process - Added by Otmar Schlunk over 14 years ago


That helps a lot...

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