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gcc 4.8.4 l38F link can't resolve POOL_translateAddr
Added by steven poffenbarger almost 9 years ago
I using gcc 4.8.4 compiling a arm program for Dbric 3 yocto file system.
I get a link error "/home/mitydsp/workspace/NDCLaunchApp/NDCLaunchApp.cpp:310: undefined reference to `POOL_translateAddr'"
The only file I find with POOL_translateAddr dsplink.lib has this definition.
How do add this to the linker specification?
I am using cmake
Regards Steve
Replies (3)
RE: gcc 4.8.4 l38F link can't resolve POOL_translateAddr - Added by Bob Duke almost 9 years ago
Steven, can you share the Makefile you are using?
RE: gcc 4.8.4 l38F link can't resolve POOL_translateAddr - Added by steven poffenbarger almost 9 years ago
Hi Bob
I think I found the problem.
DSPLINK.lib is in a different location than in the original setup.
Is MDK_2014-01-13 compatible with gcc 4.8.4 and yocto file system?
I had to kludge in the file in the linker command line.
SET(MDK "/home/mitydsp/MDK_2014-01-13")
SET(LIBARM "${MDK}/lib/ARM/Debug")
# Kludge to compensate for cmake's inability to create a concise g++ command line.
^ ^
| added this |
RE: gcc 4.8.4 l38F link can't resolve POOL_translateAddr - Added by Bob Duke almost 9 years ago
Thank you for posting the fix.
We haven't tested using the Yocto filesystem with earlier MDK. It is expected that you would use the Yocto based MDK (currently along with the Yocto filesytem.