


Modification of flashing program - sfh_OMAP-L138.exe

Added by Thomas Catalino over 1 year ago

(Posted by Tom on behalf of customer -- I am working to resolve the locked account issue)

in my work I use your L138-FX-325-RC chips, to which I added self-built base boards with peripherals.
Recently, I built a prototype of a measuring device that uses both processors at the same time: DSP for numerical calculations, ARM9 for peripherals and communication.
The whole system is managed by ARM9 (working without OS). I am using a 456MHz clock in my project. Using CCS of TI I obtained two files: dsp.out and arm9.out which I combined into one file Analyzer_1.bin using AISgen_d800k008.exe with accordingly changed the configuration file MITY_UART1_OMAPL138_LCDK_AISGen_Config.cfg (attached). I boot the device by uploading the Analyzer_1.bin program to RAM using the UartHost.exe program and UATR1 of the board, equipped with the FT232R chip (converting USB to serial UART interface). Everything works OK - the program starts on both processors right after booting (ARM9 starts DSP).
The next step was an attempt to upload the program to Flash NAND memory. For this purpose, using AISgen_d800k008.exe with the configuration file MITY_NAND_OMAPL138_LCDK_AISGen_Config.cfg (attached),
I created the file Analyzer_1_NAND.bin which I wanted to upload to the NAND memory. For this purpose, I used the sfh_OMAP-L138.exe program downloaded from the TI website.
First, to clear the NAND memory, I used the following command:

sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -flashType NAND -targetType OMAPL138 -erase -p COM4 -v

(also in simplified versions, e.g.: sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -flashType NAND -erase -p COM4)

After resetting the device, the program first successfully connects to the device and then stops after issuing the command:

Waiting for SFI on the OMAP-L138...

There are no progress bars showing memory erasing - the program is waiting!!! Why?

I get a similar effect when trying to upload the Analyzer_1_NAND.bin program to the NAND memory using the command:

sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -flash_noubl -flashType NAND -p COM4 Analyzer_1_NAND.bin

I use the -flash_noubl parameter because I don't need to upload the UBL file because my arm9.out program runs the dsp.out program.

On page

I found information that I should use the rebuilt sfh_OMAP-L138.exe program. For this purpose, I should download the package from the website

"Dead Board Programming Files"

But I can't do it because I can't log in because the old account has expired and I don't see the option to create a new account anywhere on the website?!?!

In turn on the page

I found information

"The user boot loader requires a couple of small modifications to support the Critical Link SoM, including:

Setting the EMIFA clock rate to 100 MHz instead of 25 MHz for FPGA operation.
Providing a 312 MHz CPU clock rate (optional) for Profibus support on the Industrial I/O Board.

A tarball of the source code including the modifications made by Critical Link is included in the releases, below."

(due to not being logged in, I can't download the UBLandFLashUtils_2010_10_26.tgz software package either).

In my project, the speed of the DSP processor (TMS320C6748) is important, hence the clock frequency is 456 MHz and at the same time I do not use Profibus because I do not use the Industrial I/O Board!!
The L138-FX-325-RC system does not have an FPGA, so I do not have to change the DSP clock frequency.
On the other hand, in my system, the EMIFA port works at 38 MHz. For this frequency, I selected the time constants of the ADC converter that reads the parallel port.

Will I have to change it all??!!
Currently, when I boot the device via UART1, uploading the Analyzer_1.bin program to RAM with
UartHost.exe program, everything works OK!!!

Please help me, preferably by providing me with a properly reprogrammed sfh_OMAP-L138.exe program, which will allow me to upload the program to the Flash NAND memory in the current version. This version of the program best suits my needs. The second option is to allow me to re-create my account at
I prefer the first variant!

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