PROFIBUS Dev Kit RS485 on J504
Added by Mike Costa over 13 years ago
The RS485 pins on J504 of the PROFIBUS Dev Kit seem to be directly connected to UART2 of the mitydspL138F which are labeled UART2. Are they TTL, or are they converted to RS485 on the mitydspl138F module?
Replies (5)
RE: PROFIBUS Dev Kit RS485 on J504 - Added by Thomas Catalino over 13 years ago
Hi Mike -
They are TTL and meant to ribbon cable to a small driver board that can be panel mounted to minimize stub length for PROFIBUS applications.
We may not have made that clear enough in the documentation and will take an action to clear that up.
RE: PROFIBUS Dev Kit RS485 on J504 - Added by Mike Costa over 13 years ago
One more question on this...
I'm confused on the pinout of J504. the schematic that you guys sent of the dev board seems to not agree with the datasheet. see my pictures attached
J54041.png (101 KB) J54041.png | |||
J5042.png (33.3 KB) J5042.png |
RE: PROFIBUS Dev Kit RS485 on J504 - Added by Thomas Catalino over 13 years ago
Hi Mike -
You are correct, thank you for pointing this out. The table in the data sheet is from an older revision to the board before we moved the line drivers to an external, panel mounted (and currently customer supplied).
We will get the datasheet updated, I apologize for the confusion.
RE: PROFIBUS Dev Kit RS485 on J504 - Added by Mike Costa over 13 years ago
OK, thanks for confirming Tom