


Sources of clcamiface.dll

Added by Anton Bakulev almost 9 years ago

Hello Mike,

I'm using MityCAM-B1910FTS-GM-C (Gigabit, Mono, Compact) for our spectrometer development and there is a need to modify process of receiving data from MityCam to PC by API (instead of MityViewer). Would you be so kind to give me a sources of soc_camera-1.0-2.mitysom_5csx.rpm that communicates on MityCam side and clcamiface.dll that communicates on PC side in order to bring some modifications needed in our case?

-- SY, Anton

Replies (4)

RE: Sources of clcamiface.dll - Added by Michael Williamson almost 9 years ago

Hello Anton,

We don't normally provide the sources for the embedded firmware or for the DLL. However, the DLL can be used without MityViewer (it is a C library API) for Windows and is documented here. The requried header files and libraries for linking both a 32 bit and 64 bit application are provided in the MityViewer installation package.

Are you targeting another operating system? What modifications do you require below the DLL level?


RE: Sources of clcamiface.dll - Added by Anton Bakulev almost 9 years ago


Thank you for your answer. I'm needed to add some spectrometer calibration commands for uploading and downloading it by clcamiface API. Also there is a question of some image processing on MityCam side (clean distortions from image). And finally we plan to add our Linux spectroscopic application in addition to Windows that uses clcamiface API.

RE: Sources of clcamiface.dll - Added by Michael Williamson almost 9 years ago


I need to speak with management here as to how best to satisfy your needs. We have ported the DLL and the MityViewer application to linux (it is still being tested, some functions did not port cleanly, most did). The source code for that is easier to export. For the internal camera firmware, there is embedded ARM linux control code as well as FPGA VHDL. Were you thinking of impelmenting algorithms in the ARM prior to transmission via ethernet, or implementing algorithms in the FPGA. The project files for this code are a little more involved and will require a linux build platform (typically we provide a VM with the necessary tools). I am assuming you are comfortable with a linux based development environment?

In addition we are also in the process of releasing GigE compliant firmware (that sits alongside the MityViewer protocol). Would this be preferred?


RE: Sources of clcamiface.dll - Added by Anton Bakulev almost 9 years ago


Thank you for trying to fit our needs. I thinking to implement algorithm in embedded Linux user space ARM code prior to transmission via Ethernet. FPGA part of code is not needed. Yes I am familiar with Linux BSP. I'll be waiting for results of your discussion with management. Previously I wrote Omar that we have a plan to produce our spectrometers with your camera boards and currently developing the technology on MityCam.

-- SY, Anton.

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