Dump of camera sd card
Added by Anton Bakulev almost 9 years ago
Could you advice me where could I get an image of CIS1910 MityCam sd card?
I leaved my camera plugged in local network and it seems that somebody made a bad joke. Today I saw that mmc0 contains no files:
MitySOM-5CSx # ext2ls mmc 0
<DIR> 1024 .
<DIR> 1024 ..
<DIR> 12288 lost+found
MitySOM-5CSx #
Replies (1)
RE: Dump of camera sd card - Added by Anton Bakulev almost 9 years ago
Thank you. I already solved the poblem.
1. There is necessary to download 40-000065-2_soc_camera.img.zip file from https://support.criticallink.com/redmine/projects/mityvision/wiki/MityCAM-B1910_Firmware and unzip soc_camera.img and soc_camera.img.md5sum from it.
2. Check md5sum for soc_camera.img and write it with Win32DiskImager, for example, to extracted from MityCam mini sd card.
3. Insert mini sd card into MityCam and load it.
4. Connect by ssh to MityCam and install a soc_camera-1.0-2.mitysom_5csx.rpm from /home/root/