



From 09/13/2012 to 10/12/2012


09:28 AM FPGA Development: FPGA ucf files - a few corrections
Hi all,
I was doing some cross referencing for my own documentation and noticed a few errors in the ucf files. Thi...
Conor O


02:26 PM PCB Development: RE: MityDSP-L138F Failure to Boot
I isolated the I2C0 bus from the baseboard and I am still having the issue. How should I contact you to forw...
Wade Calcutt
11:35 AM PCB Development: RE: MityDSP-L138F Failure to Boot
The SPI1 lines are not attached on the baseboard so that shouldn't be the issue and the reset line is being ...
Wade Calcutt
11:23 AM PCB Development: RE: MityDSP-L138F Failure to Boot
Hi Wade,
Would you be willing to send me a schematic (offline, of course) of your baseboard to review?
Your bas...
Michael Williamson
10:56 AM PCB Development: MityDSP-L138F Failure to Boot
I'm trying to get a MityDSP-L138F SOM to boot on a custom baseboard. The SOM powers on; i.e. the Power Good LED light... Wade Calcutt
01:51 PM Software Development: RE: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
OK, i found the file i need and now it's working.
Christian Rückl
12:41 PM Software Development: RE: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
I forgot to delete the original created *.tcf-file. Now it is almost working - Only one new error appeared:
#5 cou...
Christian Rückl
11:36 AM Software Development: RE: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
Hi Christian,
Mike is right, we need more details, but here is my guess at what could perhaps solve your problem ...
Gregory Gluszek
11:35 AM Software Development: RE: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
there are really a lot of errors - more than 100 but i will post here all i got:
Description Resource Path Locatio...
Christian Rückl
11:28 AM Software Development: RE: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
Can you post the errors?
Michael Williamson
11:24 AM Software Development: Project build in CCSv5.1 not successful when using the for creating a DSP/BIOS 5.x Configuration File
to getting started with the C674x-Core, CCSv5.1 and DSP/BIOS, I generated a new DSP/BIOS-Project in the CCS. I...
Christian Rückl
01:43 PM Software Development: Documentation
I am a linux newbie and have gotten as far as "Hello World" and "Hello DSP".
Is there any documentation for the ...
Mary Frantz


10:15 AM Software Development: RE: mitydsp L138 starter file
IE9 has a download manager which might be better than previous attempts (which are terrible 1995-2011). In previous v... Conor O


05:07 PM Software Development: RE: Problem with uPP in DLB
Hi François,
Sorry about the delay in my reply. And sorry, no, we do not have an generic FPGA loads that have uPP ...
Gregory Gluszek
02:27 PM Software Development: RE: Debugging ARM in Eclipse
I have added text to the John Pruitt
01:09 PM Software Development: Debugging ARM in Eclipse
From the wiki page on "Debugging ARM apps with Eclipse":
> On eclipse, you will need to setup a new debug configur...
Mary Frantz
09:30 AM Software Development: Dead L138F Board (Posted on behalf of a customer).
We are trying to reprogram a Dead L138F board. However, we are observing a problem
after executing "sfh_OMAP-L138.e...
Angela Newman


11:20 AM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Almost ...
In Eclipse in Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Cross Settings I changed Path to "/usr/local/oecore-i6...
Mary Frantz
10:56 AM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Hi Mary,
In Eclipse in the Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Cross Settings try setting Path to "/usr/local/oeco...
Gregory Gluszek
10:54 AM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Hi Mary,
Your PATH would need /usr/local/oecore-i686/sysroots/i686-angstromsdk-linux/usr/bin/armv5te-angstrom-linu...
Dominic Giambo
10:44 AM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Sorry, there was no such entry in ~/.bashrc nor in /etc/bash.bashrc
I think there is something amiss in my Eclipse...
Mary Frantz


03:28 PM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Hi Mary,
My guess is that somewhere (most likely your bashrc script) the environment for the old toolchain is bein...
Gregory Gluszek
11:29 AM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
I had originally downloaded Aug-2012 SDK (angstrom-eglibc-i686-armv5te-toolchain-qte-v2012.05.tar.bz2)and installed t... Mary Frantz


02:46 PM Software Development: RE: DSP Hello World won't link
Hi Mary,
In regards to your first issue, the fix you made is correct. The arm_main.cpp file is simply out of date...
Gregory Gluszek
01:22 PM Software Development: DSP Hello World won't link
I am following the instruction for the DSP Hello Word project wiki page.
First Problem:
I got a compile error f...
Mary Frantz
01:04 PM Software Development: RE: mitydsp L138 starter file
Download of the starter file is succussful.Unzip is failing. attached is the screenshot of the message. Win...
Krishna Vallabhaneni


10:41 PM Software Development: RE: mitydsp L138 starter file
Sorry you seem to be having issues downloading the file. I tried here and was able to download the file and extract i... Dominic Giambo
08:15 PM Software Development: mitydsp L138 starter file
unable t...
Krishna Vallabhaneni
12:57 PM PCB Development: RE: SPI1_SCS0 -> Edgeconnector pin 53?
However, this pin should normally be treated as RESERVED as it is the chip select line for the on-board SPI N...
Michael Williamson
12:38 PM PCB Development: SPI1_SCS0 -> Edgeconnector pin 53?
is the pin 53 on the edgeconnector (L138-Module) connected with the E19-pin (SPI1_SCS[0]) on the OMAP processo...
Christian Rückl


04:04 PM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
We have addressed the MMC issues in the datasheet which can be found here by selecting the latest board ver...
Alexander Block
06:20 AM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
Thanks Mike. Once I saw it, I realised the reason why - that stubs on the connector line would warrant concern. Plus ... Conor O
05:36 AM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
Hi Conor,
You're right. I am trying to figure out what happened here and I see a note in a review that there was ...
Michael Williamson
04:24 AM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
None of the documented MMCSD0 connections on the J700 are wired up. Be nice if that was documented. Conor O
09:47 AM PCB Development: RE: Intermittent boot failure w/ U-boot
I found the problem.
It was not seating well in the SODIMM socket.
That's a long story, but was my fault.
I am cur...
Emmett Bradford
09:14 AM PCB Development: RE: Intermittent boot failure w/ U-boot
Here's the SOM sheet, which I believe has everything pertinent to this issue.
U1 is providing a 67ms delay which I'm...
Emmett Bradford


06:18 PM PCB Development: RE: Intermittent boot failure w/ U-boot
What do you have for a reset circuit? How is the reset input driven?
U-Boot shouldn't hang if there is no RS-232...
Michael Williamson
06:02 PM PCB Development: Intermittent boot failure w/ U-boot
I have the 1808F on our carrier board now.
It is working and communicating RS232.
About 3/4 of power-on events, i...
Emmett Bradford
12:05 PM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
Hi Critical Link engineers:
If I probe (carefully) pin 5 of an SD card in place, I see the SDIO Clock. My scope sa...
Conor O


11:49 AM PCB Development: RE: MMCSD
Further to this - I have my WL1271 module hooked up to the MityDSP board. However the driver just powers up and down ... Conor O


05:42 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
See Table 1 in the "datasheet": The pins are tagg... Michael Williamson
12:10 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Mike,
I didn't realize that the DVI wouldn't work with the LX-45, luckly we don't need the DVI interface. For r...
Matt Menezes
10:18 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
It works! Thanks for all your help on this Mike. I really appreciate that.
Big Note: It still does not work on Gpi...
Conor O
08:56 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
My board is rev: 80-000268RI-2B, the latest revision.
Ah yes. I see. I really should have spotted it myself as I w...
Conor O
07:21 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
Hi Conor,
Think I found it. If you check the schematics from this "page":
Michael Williamson
05:56 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
I took the MDK from 2012-03-12 and compiled uBoot and uImage from defaults (using industrialio-defconfig for the kern... Conor O
03:51 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
I cannot find any particular reason for the pins to do this in the code. I'll recompile the kernel and uboot on the o... Conor O


07:29 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Are you sure you have an LX-45 based FPGA? The LX-45 does not bond out 8 pins that the LX-16 does. These i...
Michael Williamson
07:09 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Matt,
Are you using a wide screen monitor? We've seen some widescreen monitors won't lock up with VGA resoluti...
Michael Williamson
06:32 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Mike,
Yes, I am using the DVI connector. The FPGA image I am using is one I generated for the x45 FPGA from the...
Matt Menezes
05:58 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Matt,
If you are trying to use the DVI connector, you need to use the FPGA image that was built to run with the...
Michael Williamson
05:42 PM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Ok good news! I got the FPGA bin files needed so that the FPGA ready light comes on. The not so great news is I can't... Matt Menezes
10:11 AM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Mike,
Last week I didn't really have time to work on it, this week I'll know if I need more assistance.
Matt Menezes
08:46 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
That's supposed to be GPIO0/6 by the way... Conor O
08:44 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
Certainly... The PCB number is "120540". I've no boards plugged in at all - just the L138 module and the baseboard. T... Conor O
08:39 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
Do you have an expansion board plugged in right now? Can you disconnect it if you do?
It's possible th...
Michael Williamson
08:29 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
GPIO0/15 is the opposite which is rather odd. It starts out as 0, whereas GPIO0/7 starts out as 1:
Conor O
08:21 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
Thanks Mike,
When I cat from /sys/class/gpio7/value, it reads "1" all the time, no matter what I've previously wri...
Conor O
07:23 AM Software Development: RE: Simple GPIO toggle
Hi Conor,
I don't see anything wrong with your approach. You might check the value that the pin is reading back (...
Michael Williamson
07:15 AM Software Development: Simple GPIO toggle
I see this has been asked before in various ways so sorry to ask again (I'm not getting it!).
I have pin 19 from J...
Conor O


09:13 PM PCB Development: uPP Synchronization Question (Posted on behalf of a Customer)
Like to seek your help on an uPP related question. I plan to burst out I and Q data from memory using the two uPP ch... Angela Newman


06:56 AM Software Development: RE: Requirements to install the fpga_ctrl.ko?
Hi Matt,
Did you get through this, do you still need assistance?
Michael Williamson


06:24 PM Software Development: RE: Problem with uPP in DLB
Thanks for answer.
By the way, do you have a dummy FPGA load (in .bin format) that output "known fake d...
François Tremblay
05:15 PM Software Development: RE: Problem with uPP in DLB
Glad to hear that fixed your problem!
In regards to your follow up question, yes, you will most lik...
Gregory Gluszek


02:43 PM Software Development: RE: Problem with uPP in DLB
You was right on and you make my day!
Now, I have another question regarding the cache. I used the uPP in...
François Tremblay
02:24 PM Software Development: RE: Problem with uPP in DLB
Hi François,
We have not done any work with running the system in digital loopback mode. The fact that you are ge...
Gregory Gluszek
11:54 AM Software Development: Problem with uPP in DLB
I am trying to use uPP in DLP mode with an MityDSP1810F board but my rx buffer is still empty after a "ransaction.
François Tremblay

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