



From 11/22/2012 to 12/21/2012


09:49 PM FPGA Development: RE: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
In response to your GPIO bank question:
Yes you can use a single core in the FPGA and have it utilize ...
Alexander Block
09:44 PM PCB Development: RE: SATA board connector
Just wondering if you found a drop in replacement. We actually just tried doing this on an in-house test fi...
Alexander Block
09:39 PM Software Development: RE: tftp access violation
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here on a suggestion to give you something to try. If you think you may...
Alexander Block
09:26 PM Software Development: RE: The Jtag Interface
If you can wait approximately a week or two Digikey should have them in stock for ordering ( Alexander Block
08:33 PM Software Development: RE: The Jtag Interface
hi mike
I buy a 1808-FX-225-RC. it is without the adapter board. How can I get one?
yilin wang
09:49 AM Software Development: RE: New UBoot Image That Fixes Bootelf Hang When Running Starterware
Sorry for the delay.
The code to support the updated features was checked into our "git server":http://support.cri...
Michael Williamson
09:34 AM Software Development: RE: New UBoot Image That Fixes Bootelf Hang When Running Starterware
Was there an official release?
What / where is the latest/greatest?
Emmett Bradford
09:41 AM Software Development: RE: PROC_read()
Or.... you can use PROC_read, but you need to build your own synchronization hooks. This is what Greg was alluding t... Michael Williamson
09:40 AM Software Development: RE: PROC_read()
The PROC_read() API is not guarded. It's effectively a memory copy (dealing with the VM addressing under linux).
Michael Williamson
09:21 AM Software Development: RE: PROC_read()
Can you clarify your answer with a bit more detail? Are you saying that the DSP should send a message to the...
Wade Calcutt


02:54 PM Software Development: RE: PROC_read()
Hi Terrence,
What I've seen done here in situations like you are describing is to use the dsplink interfaces and ...
Gregory Gluszek
02:45 PM Software Development: RE: PROC_read()
To clarify. I am using Critical Link's API MityDSP::tcDspApp to load the DSP application, configure the shared memor... Terrence Lawrence
12:33 PM Software Development: PROC_read()
I have a shared memory read issue between the ARM and DSP processor that I am trying to resolve. I am using PROC_rea... Terrence Lawrence


09:38 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Further - I broke my OLED writes into < 32 bytes each and retested. That works fine and if it was unreliable, the pic... Conor O
08:54 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hi guys. Got a chance to test this today. That's a lot better! The i2cdetect scan picks up the device and shows "--" ... Conor O
09:00 AM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
The EMIFA DCM may not be required. If you do not require any other clocks than the 100 MHz (when running at 300 MHz ... Michael Williamson
08:32 AM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
Hmmm. Not sure now because I'm afraid I didn't use the DCM at all! I didn't connect the i_ema_clk directly but via a ... Conor O
08:13 AM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
Dear Conor,
I appreciate your help!
I have the suspect that the component emaclkdcm-Emifa_dcm is a digital cloc...
Michele Canepa
05:43 AM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
The learning curve for Xilinx tools is pretty darn steep anyway without jumping in at the deep end!
What *I* did i...
Conor O


05:20 PM Software Development: SYSBIOS & Starterware
I'm working to a project with a MityOMAP-L138-FX-225-RC.
Currently, I try to use SYSBIOS into this module...
01:44 PM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
Dear Jean-Pierre,
I am a newbie too in fpga programming: could you please post me a suggestion about the solution?
Michele Canepa
10:20 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Scratch that - I see -DDEBUG is in the Makefile :) Conor O
10:17 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
No worries Mike. I used to be a QA guy so I must have a knack for finding these things! Like communicating with a non... Conor O
09:17 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hi Conor,
I am updateing (via editing) the patch on the previous post. We've finished some testing here and found...
Michael Williamson


09:04 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Thanks Mike, I looked at the driver code but wasn't really familiar enough with it to help. I was suspicious somethin... Conor O


01:46 PM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hi Connor.
I think we may have found the issue. There may be a bug in the linux driver.
If you are OK recompil...
Michael Williamson


08:40 AM Software Development: RE: dsplinkk.ko compatibility
I updated my instructions to clarify the commands on the last post...
Michael Williamson
08:34 AM Software Development: RE: dsplinkk.ko compatibility
If you added or removed features from the kernel, you may need to rebuild the dsplink drivers.
To do that:
# s...
Michael Williamson
08:09 AM Software Development: RE: dsplinkk.ko compatibility
Michael Williamson wrote:
> There should be a dsplinkk.ko file in the /lib/modules/3.2.0/ directory in the reference...
Michele Canepa


01:51 PM Software Development: RE: Linux DaVinci Video Port Interface (VPIF)
My OMAP-L138 VPIF issue has been resolved! There was a conflict with PINMUX16 and PINMUX17 control register settings... Terrence Lawrence
12:25 PM Software Development: RE: Extremely slow root file system
Thanks Mike for answer.
I forwarded your last comment to our HW engineer.
Chances are I will not get other que...
François Tremblay
09:23 AM Software Development: RE: Extremely slow root file system
The approach by your HW designer is fine.
Tri-stating the unused lines that are connected to the EMIFA and IRQ l...
Michael Williamson
09:13 AM Software Development: RE: Extremely slow root file system
The unused I/O pins in our FPGA design seems to be the culprit.
Here a comment from our hardware engineer...
François Tremblay


03:22 PM Software Development: RE: Extremely slow root file system
Please make sure that any unused IO pins on your FPGA design are "floating" and not "pulled-down" in the bitstream ge... Michael Williamson
01:54 PM Software Development: Extremely slow root file system
Hardware configuration: Industrial IO board + L138-DI-225-RI
We have a FPGA application that transmit data to DSP ...
François Tremblay
10:49 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
I dropped the drive strength to 6 on the SCL and SDA lines and it makes a slight difference - not so much ground boun... Conor O
07:20 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
(Busy writing reports instead of doing the work the reports are about!)
For drive strength I was using the Xilinx ...
Conor O


11:29 AM Software Development: RE: Linux DaVinci Video Port Interface (VPIF)
Hi Terrence,
Sorry for the confusion. The linux kernels 2.6.X tracked TI's Platform Support Package releases from...
Michael Williamson
09:55 AM Software Development: RE: Linux DaVinci Video Port Interface (VPIF)
I am currently using MDK_2011-12-05 DaVinici Linux kernel to support VPIF on a OMAP-L138F SoM platform. I attempted ... Terrence Lawrence
08:36 AM Software Development: Linux DaVinci Video Port Interface (VPIF)
I need to setup a VPIF interface (ala V4L2) using a Mity OMAP-L138F SoM platform running DaVinci Linux to support, BT... Terrence Lawrence
07:12 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hi Conor,
What are you using for drive strength on the FPGA? You might be able to lower the drive strength if the...
Michael Williamson
05:50 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hi again. It looks like the fpga is doing the right thing but the rise times are just too slow. Er. I guess that's my... Conor O


10:26 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Oh and 5K pull ups are to 3.3V on pin J701.38. SDA/SCL read 3.3V, at least on power on they do... Conor O
10:14 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Thanks Mike. Sure it was evident the generics shouldn't be there and if they are it won't synthesise so it's not much... Conor O
07:14 AM FPGA Development: RE: I2C issues on SLX45
Hello Conor,
For the I2C, you are correct, the generics in the TOP were a carry over from a previous port -- shoul...
Michael Williamson
06:09 AM FPGA Development: I2C issues on SLX45
Just one or two questions on the I2C ngc module. The industrialio_top.vhd example code uses a generic map to set cloc... Conor O
08:31 AM Software Development: RE: Using RAM as temporary storage
The 128 MB of Memory is total system memory. Some of it is used for the kernel and application space, but typically ... Michael Williamson
04:23 AM FPGA Development: RE: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
Thank you Mike!
Another question: I see that you provide Bank 0 and Bank 1 of the FPGA on the SO-DIMM socket.
Am ...
Michele Canepa


02:59 PM FPGA Development: RE: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
Hi Michele,
There is no issue if you are using 6SLX16 FPGAs in any module configuration.
This only a problem wi...
Michael Williamson
02:53 PM FPGA Development: RE: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
Hello Tom,
the issue is (or was) on the datasheet of the SOM MityDSP
Michele Canepa
02:24 PM FPGA Development: RE: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
Michele -
Can I ask for a reminder of what that issue is or a pointer to a forum post? I'm unable to locate it at...
Thomas Catalino
11:43 AM FPGA Development: Pinout on L138-FG-225-RC
Hello All,
to be sure about the pinout of the SOM L138-FG-225-RC using the FPGA 6SLX16 , I ask if you fixed the issu...
Michele Canepa


10:18 PM Software Development: Using RAM as temporary storage
Posting on behalf of a customer:
Customer wants to store data to the SD card but believes they will be bursting mo...
Alexander Block


05:34 PM FPGA Development: RE: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
I found the solution!:) jean-pierre bétend-bon
01:45 PM Software Development: tftp access violation
We've been using an OMAP-L138F SOM that has exhibited no problems until we re-flashed the section containing FPGA bin... Wade Calcutt
11:16 AM Software Development: RE: Cannot Toggle GPIO pin
Thanks for your speedy reply. I'm using 3.2 from the 2012-08-10 MDK. Spencer Mayott
11:14 AM Software Development: RE: Cannot Toggle GPIO pin
Hi Spencer,
The issue is that the MCASP (see baseboard-industrialio.c) setup is configuring that pin to be in AFSR...
Michael Williamson
11:04 AM Software Development: RE: Cannot Toggle GPIO pin
Some funky formatting happened with the gpio name. Just for clarification its GPIO 0_13. Spencer Mayott
11:00 AM Software Development: Cannot Toggle GPIO pin
I'm running a MitydspL138 on the Industrial IO board, and I'm trying to set GPIO[0]_13 via echoing directions and val... Spencer Mayott
09:39 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
You are right - it was a config problem. By comparing the config you attached with the default "industial io...
Mads Olav le Maire


01:51 PM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
Thanks for the information.
We have at least one active customer using the 3.2 kernel on an Industrial-IO board wi...
Michael Williamson
05:30 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
Mike, thanks for your clarification.
I have two sata disks, one SSD which is sata-II (3.0gb) and one old m...
Mads Olav le Maire


04:30 PM FPGA Development: Xilinx design suite 14.2 and MDK_2012-08-10
Hi all,
I am beginner with FPGA programming and want to develop a simple project on my MityDSP-l138F, involving only...
jean-pierre bétend-bon
10:39 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
I'm fairly certain that TI submitted the ahci-ti.c stuff originally in their PSP into the mainline and it g...
Michael Williamson
09:38 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
Just compared the drivers/ata for kernel version 2.6.34 and 3.2. It seems obvious that the 3.2 branch is lacki...
Mads Olav le Maire


05:17 PM Software Development: RE: helloworld dsplink example
Do not get a chance to exit the application.
here is the log:
Krishna Vallabhaneni
02:49 PM Software Development: Building openembedded-core from scratch : MityDSP overlay breaks meta-toolchain-qte
Is there a fix yet for the broken build system?
Would it not be possible to move the open parts to a publi...
Phil Sanderson


02:34 PM Software Development: RE: GPIO Interrupt: request_irq() returning error: EINVAL
Hi Mike,
You were correct - I had failed to use the gpio_to_irq() function.
It all works sweet now!
Thanks for you...
Keith Fletcher


07:59 PM Software Development: RE: helloworld dsplink example
Are you exiting the application by hitting 'q'?
Michael Williamson
07:47 PM Software Development: helloworld dsplink example
in Helloworld dsp link example, get follwing aserts! why?
root@mityomapl138:/# ./HellWorldARM HellWorldDSP.out
Krishna Vallabhaneni
03:46 PM Software Development: RE: dsplinkk.ko compatibility
There should be a dsplinkk.ko file in the /lib/modules/3.2.0/ directory in the reference filesystems. See http://sup... Michael Williamson


07:08 PM Software Development: dsplinkk.ko compatibility
The MityDSP board has installed Linux kernel v 3.2.0. This was required for compatibilty with g_ether.ko driver for e... Krishna Vallabhaneni


09:02 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
We've actually seen this issue on both kernels, and in general have traced the issue back to an Errata on t...
Michael Williamson
03:35 AM Software Development: RE: Problems building a rootfile system
I have decided to use the Yocto framework for building my rootfs. Together with the 3.2 kernel compiled fro...
Mads Olav le Maire
08:43 AM Software Development: RE: GPIO Interrupt: request_irq() returning error: EINVAL
I am assuming you are writing kernel code or a kernel module?
Can you send a snippet of the code?
The GPIO inte...
Michael Williamson

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