



LX45 vs LX16 Differences

Critical Link offers the MityDSP-L138F family of modules with two different FPGA options, the Spartan 6 LX16 and LX45.

Device specification differences [[]]

Device Logic Cells Slices Flip-Flops Max Distributed RAM (Kb) DSP48A1 Slices Block Ram 18 Kb Block Ram Max (Kb) CMT's Memory Controller Blocks (Max)
XC6SLX16 14,579 2,278 18,224 136 32 32 576 2 2
XC6SLX45 43,661 6,822 54,576 401 58 116 2,088 4 2

I/O Pin Differences

The biggest difference between the LX16 and the LX45 is that the LX45 has (8) I/O's that are not bonded like the LX16. The balls that are not bonded are:

Module Pin FPGA Ball
154 F12
156 E12
158 D12
160 C12
162 F11
164 E11
170 E7
172 E8

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