Manager: Amber Thousand, Bob Duke, David Rice
Developer: Alexander Block, Amber Thousand, Bob Duke, Daniel Vincelette, David Rice, Gregory Gluszek, Huy Le, Jargalan Nermunkh, John Fayos, John Pruitt, Jonathan Cormier, Judy Mastracco, Kirk Treubert, Michael Lo, Michael Williamson, Mike Fiorenza, Neha Chopra, Noah Zins, Omar Rahim, Oscar Valera, Patrick Brusa, Thomas Catalino, Tim Iskander, William Evans, Zachary Miller, Critical Link
Reporter: Alexander Block, John Fayos, Omar Rahim, Thomas Catalino
Customer: Alexander Block, John Fayos, Omar Rahim, Thomas Catalino
Marketing: Amber Thousand
Project information
Information related to the MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V-based products.
Please review the MitySOM-5CSX Module Wiki and MitySOM-5CSX Baseboard Wiki for more information.
If you have any questions about your development kit, please create a post in our module or baseboard forums.