



From 09/19/2024 to 10/18/2024


03:59 PM MitySOM-AM57X Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
Which kernel are you using? Can you please share whole boot logs for working and non-working cases.
Note: It doe...
Jonathan Cormier
10:26 AM MitySOM-AM57X Software Development: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
I tried to build am572x image using docker build environment with eMMC enabled. But my image not detecting eMM...
Sandeep Sivadas


08:55 PM MitySOM-AM62 & MitySOM-AM62A Software Development: RE: Recommended quick method to install Linux image on EMMC storage for high volume products
Tim Troester wrote:
> I was wondering if there is any recommended quick way to install Linux images on the EMMC stor...
Jonathan Cormier
07:53 PM MitySOM-AM62 & MitySOM-AM62A Software Development: Recommended quick method to install Linux image on EMMC storage for high volume products
I was wondering if there is any recommended quick way to install Linux images on the EMMC storage for high volume pro... Tim Troester


04:35 AM MitySOM-AM57X Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
Hello Jonathan,
Thank you for the reply.
> I was under the impression that I need to make the device tree entry als...
Arun Krishnan

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