


SYSBIOS & Starterware

Added by JB B almost 12 years ago


I'm working to a project with a MityOMAP-L138-FX-225-RC.
Currently, I try to use SYSBIOS into this module (ARM CPU part) with CCS environment.
I executed successfully some example (with task_delay) on the target using the gel file provided by Critical link BSP.

But I guess that is not sufficient. Because I don't find any platform/target for this SOM under CCS.
And what is the memory mapping ?
Generally, I would known how to update SYSBIOS / CCS configuration in order to build a right binary to debug and later to flash to NAND.

My second point concerns the integration of starterware with SYSBIOS (always into ARM CPU part).
I tried to use the uart example of starterware with a SYSBIOS task. The first workaround was to disable the MMU management in order to execute configuration functions (uart/int cells OMAP configurations). But the behavior is not good. The execution on the target crashes.
Could I linked directly starterware like a library with SYSBIOS ? Or should I started from startware project and add a SYSBIOS configuration ?
I would known what is the right way to make this kind of integration ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Replies (1)

RE: SYSBIOS & Starterware - Added by Thomas Catalino almost 12 years ago

Hi Jean-Baptiste -

It would be my understanding that if you are going to use SYS/BIOS that you should start with a sys/bios project. Likely sys/bios needs to be initialized, etc. So, simply starting with starterware and adding a sys/bios task is probably not a valid use case.

Having said this, your best bet is to seek assistance from the TI wiki's and e2e forums as we do not (currently) provide SYS/BIOS example or sample for our L138 platform, though there should be no problems using SYS/BIOS on our platform.

Please let us know if we can help you with any further questions.

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