


DSP Helloworld execution error

Added by Vinod Ganesh over 11 years ago


I could successfully compile the arm_main.cpp in eclipse and dsp_main.cpp in ccs. But upon execution the exit of applicaton happened even before i entered q and i am also getting the following error. pls help me out with this

root@mityomapl138:~/drivers# ./helloarm hellodsp.out
Loading file hellodsp.out
PROC Load successful
Starting application.
ARM received a message from the DSP:
DSP Message = "DSP Initialization finished."
Sending a message to the DSP.
Waiting for DSP response (type 'q' to quit)...
ARM received a message from the DSP:
DSP Message = "Hello Word. DSP Received Message = 'Hello DSP'"
Exiting application.
Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj NULL) && (cmdId CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 501
Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj NULL) && (cmdId CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 501
inbound:GPPMSGQ1: Status = 0x80008002
inbound:GPPMSGQ1: Terminating
inbound:debug: Terminating
Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj NULL) && (cmdId CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 501
Assertion failed (((drvObj != NULL) && (IS_OBJECT_VALID (drvObj, SIGN_DRV))) || ((drvObj NULL) && (cmdId CMD_PROC_ATTACH))). File : drv_api.c Line : 501


Replies (2)

RE: DSP Helloworld execution error - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 11 years ago


If you look at the arm_main.cpp file, the application doesn't wait for you to press q. Its currently setup so that q can be used as an escape if the dsp never sends its response. If you would like it to wait for the user to hit q then you can remove gbDone == false && from the while loop and it will do as you expected.

The error messages you saw are known and are only hit when the application goes to clean up. Most of the applications designed on this hardware are designed to always be running so this should have minimal impact. I have updated the Hello World wiki page with a new version of arm_main.cpp and some updated instructions.

-Jonathan Cormier

RE: DSP Helloworld execution error - Added by Vinod Ganesh over 11 years ago

commenting out the deletes solved the problem

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