


Builds and SYS/BIOS questions ...

Added by Thomas Catalino almost 13 years ago

(posted on behalf of a customer)

I had some early errors regarding -mv64+. I was not aware that the c6455 is a "C64x+" device, so some compile errors occurred until I specified "Generic C64x+ Device" in the "Main" tab under the "General" project settings, and specified "64+" under the compiler Basic Options (for target processor).

I specified "rts64plus.lib" for runtime support to go with the "64+".

I also used DSP/BIOS version since I read that the "SYS/BIOS" (version 6.x??) does not support the c6455. Is that true?

In the BIOS->System->Global Settings, I changed the target name to "c6455" (probably not necessary?), board clock to 50000 kHz (information only), and DSP Speed to 1200 MHz (it was 600 MHz).

Any comments or issues with the above?

Replies (1)

RE: Builds and SYS/BIOS questions ... - Added by Michael Williamson almost 13 years ago


In order to actually get the DSP running at 1200 MHz, you will need a macro update to <core/DspMacros.h> to support updating the CPU speed PLL settings. Page on the Global settings only gives the DSP/BIOS library routines the information about how fast the processor is running that that the CLK_ and PRD_ BIOS routines can perform the correct math. DSP/BIOS does not alter the PLL configuration settings on the device, which are configured by the bootstrapper application.


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