



Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago


I am attempting to get some FPGA GPIO control going with an L138/LX45 IndustrialIO board. Have been following these instructions

The fpga gets programmed, kernel modules loaded and the fpga image version is "PROGRAMMED, Base Module version 01:01". However, looking at the /sys/class/gpio there is no gpiochip144 as outlined in the instructions

Change directory to /sys/class/gpio

In addition to gpiochip0, gpiochip32, ..., gpiochip128, you should see gpiochip144.
The FPGA GPIO Core pins start at pin #144 on the Linux side of things.

Also how does one map the physical pins on the expansion connectors to the GPIO control #? For example on J702, pin 23 is "FPGA_IO_43_N" how does that map to the kernel gpio number if FPGA enumeration starts at 144?

Thanks, Tom

Replies (5)

RE: FPGA GPIO issue - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 6 years ago

The fpga can connect the gpio core to any pin you want. Gpio 144 should map to the first gpio core pin in the fpga image.

The .ucf file is used to map processor pins to net names in the vhdl.


NET "o_diode<0>"     LOC = "H14" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #          J702-7      32_N
NET "o_diode<1>"     LOC = "E13" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #          J702-15     24_N

And the vhd will connect the net names to the gpio core.


gpio1 : gpio^M
    generic map (^M
      NUM_BANKS       => 1,^M
      NUM_IO_PER_BANK => 2^M
         Port Map (^M
      clk             => ema_clk,^M
      i_ABus          => addr_r,^M
      i_DBus          => edi_r,^M 
      o_DBus          => edo_arm(CORE_GPIO_MODULE),^M
      i_wr_en         => wr_r,^M
      i_rd_en         => rd_r,^M
      i_cs            => arm_cs5_r(CORE_GPIO_MODULE),^M
      o_irq           => irq_map(CORE_GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL)(CORE_GPIO_IRQ_VECTOR),^M
      i_ilevel        => conv_std_logic_vector(CORE_GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL, 2),     ^M
      i_ivector       => conv_std_logic_vector(CORE_GPIO_IRQ_VECTOR, 4),   ^M
      i_io            => "00",^M
      t_io            => open,^M 
      o_io            => o_diode,^M
      i_initdir       => "11",^M 
      i_initoutval    => "11"      ^M

There is also a spreadsheet at MDK_2014-01-13/fpga/vhdl/OMAP-L138toFPGA.xlsx which maps the FPGA pin names to the SOMs pin names.

RE: FPGA GPIO issue - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Jonathan, thanks for the info... So I followed an example from a post a few years back (FPGA GPIO: toggle problem) and was able to get the GPIO going.

Regs, Tom

RE: FPGA GPIO issue - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 6 years ago

Can you link to the post? It may help me update the wiki page.

RE: FPGA GPIO issue - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

Here's the link

It's been a few years since my last FPGA project, so I was a bit rusty. What I benefited from most was looking at that posted source example and how it was modified. The wiki (which is good overall) has this... so an example of what is "proper" is what I needed :)

An FPGA image with Critical Link's GPIO core built in properly.

See $MDK/examples/industrial_io/fpga/vhdl/IndustrialIO_top.vhd for an example of proper core usage.
Note: Make sure that the GPIO core you add to your project has the IRQ level selected to match ARM usage so that core is enumerated by Linux (IRQ Level = 0 for a core should make Linux enumerate the core by default).

So I've been working with the ISE project "build_dvi_rev_c", and initially made no modifications. It wasn't clear to me initially how to enable the GPIO core or what specific IndustrialIO_top.vhd modifications were needed to get it going (plus I'm really a verilog guy). Just running the base ISE example will yield the error of the missing gpiochip144. Anyway it's fairly obvious, but that along with the vhd example changes, the UCF file needs to be updated accordingly. Regs, Tom

RE: FPGA GPIO issue - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 6 years ago

Okay thanks Tom. I put that link in the wiki page to hopefully help people in the future.

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