


MityDSP: dual port memory within FPGA

Added by Peter Faill over 12 years ago


I'd like to test the DSP <=> FPGA bus interface by writing to a FPGA scratch address and then reading back the results to confirm success.

From the firmware, I see that there is dual-port dual RAM area that appears to exist for testing purposes.

Could you confirm that the base address of the RAM is 0xB000,0180?

I arrived at this address by:

1) 0xB000,0000 sets CE3 (FPGA cs3)
2) address decode is performed on address lines 7 thru 11
3) RAM1 lives at block #3 which results in address: 0x0180 = 011b << 7

I'm assuming that the address lines from the DSP to the FPGA are a one two one mapping (no address shifting done in the schematic/layout).

Thank you,


Replies (2)

RE: MityDSP: dual port memory within FPGA - Added by Michael Williamson over 12 years ago

If you are referring to the bootloader image, then I think you have it.

Address lines are 1-to-1.


RE: MityDSP: dual port memory within FPGA - Added by Peter Faill over 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply,


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