


Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols

Added by Xiao WANG over 11 years ago

Hi, I am using the MDK 2.10 with CCStudio v5.3. I tried to complied a test project for the MityDSP-Pro development Kit.
The idear is to communicate with the DAC modules and output a analogical signal that can be observed by an occiloscope.

I've included the paths:
"C:\ MityDSP/2.10/software/inc"
"D:\TI\bios_5_42_00_07\packages\ti\bios\include" //I manuelly added this after the compliers said cant find <std.h> and <lck.h>

I've also include the MDK's "DspCore.lib" and it's parent folder

Now the project complies, but when linking, below errors appear:

Description Resource Path Location Type
unresolved symbol _SEM_create, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _SEM_pend, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _LCK_pend, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspMcBsp.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _LCK_post, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspMcBsp.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _CLK_getltime, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _CLK_getprd, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol >>, first referenced in Compilation testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _CLK_countspms, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
#10008-D cannot find file "biosC6000.a" testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
#10010 errors encountered during linking; "testDACoutput.out" not built testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
#230-D trailing comma is nonstandard main.cpp /testDACoutput line 17 C/C++ Problem
<a href="file:/D:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10234.html">#10234-D</a> unresolved symbols remain testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _TSK_timerSem, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspTimer.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _SEM_post, first referenced in C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj> testDACoutput C/C++ Problem

I'm not sure with the usage of the ADC lib so I copies the exemple code in the documentation and don't know what to add.
I created a project and name the source file wiht a .cpp. I think in this way the C++ complier is used.
The main.cpp is like this (entirely copied from documentation):
/* * main.c
#include <core/DspDacTlv5610.h>

using namespace MityDSP;

class tcLatch : public tcDspOutputLatch
typedef enum
} teOutputs;
// This method manages the CS output latch for various devices
int SetOuput(unsigned int ID, unsigned int Value){return 0;};
// ...
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// tcLatch    Latch;
tcDspMcbsp MCBSP((void*)0x018C0000,
DATA_DELAY1, // rx_data_delay
WORD_LENGTH_16, // rx_word_len
RXJUST_RJZF, // rx_justify
DATA_DELAY1, // tx_data_delay
WORD_LENGTH_16, // tx_word_len
FSYNC_MODE_EXT, // rx_fsync
FSYNC_MODE_INT, // tx_fsync
CLK_MODE_INT, // rx_clock
CLK_MODE_INT, // tx_clock
FSYNC_POL_HIGH, // rx_fsync_polarity
FSYNC_POL_LOW, // tx_fsync_polarity
CLKR_POL_FALLING, // rx_clock_polarity
CLKX_POL_FALLING, // tx_clock_polarity
CSTOP_NODELAY); // clock_stop
tcDspDacTlv5610 DAC(&MCBSP, NULL, tcLatch::eeDAC_CS);
// Set DAC A output to mid range...
DAC.update(tcDspDacTlv5610::eeDAC_A, 2048);

Thanks for your help!

Replies (7)

RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Xiao WANG over 11 years ago

  • Build of configuration Debug for project testDACoutput **

"D:\\TI\\ccsv5\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
'Building target: testDACoutput.out'
'Invoking: C6000 Linker'
"D:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.1/bin/cl6x" -mv64+ --abi=coffabi -g --define=c6455 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off -z --stack_size=0x800 -m"" --heap_size=0x800 -i"D:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.1/lib" -i"D:/TI/bios_5_42_00_07/packages/ti/bios/include" -i"D:/TI/bios_5_42_00_07/packages/ti/rtdx/include/c6000" -i"D:/TI/bios_5_42_00_07/packages/ti/bios/lib" -i"C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/" -i"D:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.1/include" --reread_libs --warn_sections --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --rom_model -o "testDACoutput.out" "./main.obj" -l"libc.a" -lrts64plus.lib -l"DspCore.lib" "../C6455.cmd"

undefined      first referenced

Compilation failure

symbol in file
--------- ----------------
_CLK_countspms C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_CLK_getltime C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_CLK_getprd C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_LCK_pend C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspMcBsp.obj>
_LCK_post C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspMcBsp.obj>
_SEM_create C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_SEM_pend C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_SEM_post C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspError.obj>
_TSK_timerSem C:/MityDSP/2.10/software/<DspTimer.obj>

error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "testDACoutput.out" not built
gmake: *** [testDACoutput.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

  • Build Finished **

RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Xiao WANG over 11 years ago

It seems ok now with DSP/Bios configuration file added to the project.
But I oberve nothing on the osciloscope. I think it is because the modification to the exemple code.
When I complie the exemple code without modification, CCS complains cant instance a virtual calss

tcLatch Latch;

So I just commentted that line and send NULL for the constructor

tcDspDacTlv5610 DAC;

It seems to be not a good idea. But how to define the virtual function below?

int SetOuput(unsigned int ID, unsigned int Value);
Even I made a bref function body returnning 0 the complier wont creat a instance of this class.

RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Michael Williamson over 11 years ago

You need to implement a class that derives from the tcDspOutputLatch class. The tcDspOutputLatch is an interface class.

You need to define a simple class that implements the SetOutput value to drive whatever pin the chip select is being driven by.


RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Xiao WANG over 11 years ago

Thanks a lot for your anwser. But i still dont understand much.
Coule your please give an exemple implementation of the setOutput?
Where can i find the chip select pin? In TI C6455 DSP documentation?

In fact my goal is to make any output out of the develeopment kit so
that to make sure my program is really running on the DSP, not simulated.
So the time waiting for reply I tried another MDK class: DspFirmware,
in the exemple code, i see

static void              set_led_state (unsigned int anValue,
unsigned int anMask=0xFFFFFFFF);
static unsigned int get_led_state (void);
This class is very interesting because lighting a LED is a typical way
to make sure the DSP is running. But same problem, i complied and loaded
the program, it runs without error, but I cant see any LED change.
For the MityDSP-Pro, which LEDs will be controlled by these functions?
(In fact I see only 3 LEDs on the MityDSP-Pro and one on the Mother board)

Sorry, my question seems perhaps naive as I just began with DSP.

RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Michael Williamson over 11 years ago

Most of the I/O is controlled hooked to the FPGA. Do you have an FPGA image programmed (is the RED FPGA programming LED lit of off)?


RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Xiao WANG over 11 years ago

I just get control of 2 of the 3 LEDs (D1 and D2) on the MityDSP-Pro board, by setting the the anValue to 0x0
or 0xFFFF.. , and mask to be always 0xFFFFF.

D3 is not controlled by these functions.

Thanks a lot for your help Mike.

I have still a long way to go to really maitrise the DSP...

RE: Problem compling with the MDK, unresolved symbols - Added by Silvano Bertoldo over 10 years ago

I got a similar problem reported here.
Can someone help me?


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