


FPGA/DSP Interface Details & external interrupts

Added by Thomas Catalino almost 13 years ago

(Posted on behalf of a customer)

I am working on designing the carrier interface board for the MityDSP Pro module. I have the carrier design guideline document but I would like to get more details on the DSP board itself. Specifically the interface connection from the DSP to the FPGA. One issue I am having is I would like to have an external interrupt go to the DSP from the carrier card and it doesn’t appear that there is easy access to the DSP external interrupts other than the PCI interface.

Any documentation or suggestions would be appreciated.

Hope you have a great Holiday….


Replies (1)

RE: FPGA/DSP Interface Details & external interrupts - Added by Thomas Catalino almost 13 years ago

Doug -

I will let the technical team answer the question about the external interrupts. However, we will add information in our design guide detailing the interface between the FPGA and DSP, we will get this done as soon as possible.


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